Thursday, 8 January 2015

Churchmead school slough

End of Term - Thursday July at 12. You can also visit The Parent View website by Ofsted. Your choice of school is one of the most important . It is located in Datchet, near Slough , England.

The school has also gained Specialist Arts College status.

Go to Parent View to see what parents and carers have said about this .

Heathrow Airport Terminal 18:41.

Find the travel option that best suits you. Previous inspection: Inadequate. This inspection: Requires improvement. I would like to congratulate our students on achieving fantastic ,” he said. I wish them well as they move onto their sixth form studies, . Polan Germany, Cyprus, Sweden and South Africa.

Required during school term times and for some deep cleaning weeks during school holidays. In addition to the school specific items, we also provide trousers, fullsleeve and shirtsleeve shirts and blouses to cater for all the schools in the . Since the Ofsted report, the school has been described as outstanding. You need to sign in or create an account to save . The progress, welfare and happiness of your child is of foremost importance to us. LHEA is sponsored by its Ofsted Outstanding rated sister . Altwood Church of England School is the only Church of England secondary school in Maidenhead.

Berkshire College of Agriculture, NA, NA, NA, NA, 67 82. For most of its history the school was located in Wardle Avenue, Tilehurst. Highlands admitted both boys and girls in the lower years, but the upper forms were girls only.

Boys are admitted to the Sixth Form. There are seven houses: Clothworkers, Goldsmiths, Haberdashers, Lacemakers, Spinners, Tanners and Weavers. Mr Good bought most of the land and built Churchmead House in the main part of the plot, with its entrance and lodge on Slough Road. Parking is available on site or in Ruscombe Gardens. Datchet, adj Churchmead School , 05:0 06:3 07:3 09:3 11:0 12:3 14:, 15:3 17:0 18:4 19:3 21:38.

Datchet, adj The Green, 05:0 06:3 07:3 09:3 11:0 12:3 14:0 15:3 17:0 18:4 19:3 21:39. Datchet, opp Montrose Avenue, 05:0 06:3 07:3 09:3 11:0 12:3 14:0 15:3 17:0 18:43 .

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