Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Pin diode radiation detector

The schematic, design considerations and component selection are discussed. Silicon diodes can only pick up certain types of energy (mostly gamma ). I added simple transistor filter on the 15V VDD line for the PIN diode. This circuit cut VDD noise and improve output signal purity.

Gamma-Photon Nuclear Radiation Detector with PIN Diode.

Because of miniature active surface of the diode, usually PIN detector has very weak reaction to the natural background.

Ordinary Silicon PIN photodiodes can serve as detectors for X-ray and gamma ray photons.

First version of gamma detector with BPW34. So far front end electronics is from Elector. If you found this channel interesting, please donate in BITCOIN. Alpha particles will be stopped by the plastic enclosure of the device, whereas gamma rays pass . The detector in itself is pretty . Sensitivity of the diode was tested for three sources of gamma radiation: Na, 1Cs, Co.

Pin - Photodiode PIN diode Scheme. Maxim Integrated APPLICATION NOTE 2. Tweaked further to reduce ambient current draw to around 5nanoAmps, also gained some sensitivity. With all the components on the same board close together. A silicon PIN diode (in this case an inexpensive off-the-shelf device designed for infrared optoelectronics), . The ionization approach is impractical for certain applications, such as when radiation dose must be measured in confined spaces.

Advances in the technology of silicon PIN diodes in the datacom and telecom industries allow for the development of an inexpensive and compact solid-state ionizing sensor to . Testing PiN gamma detector from Elector with uranium glass. Video show detector pulses and their DFT (discrete fourier transform). I found it online, and the person who designed it was very kind to assist me.

It is capable of simple discrimination between different radioactivity types and energies. Energetic particles ionise the .

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