Thursday, 18 December 2014

Etrs testing

EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM TEST REPORTING SYSTEM ( ETRS ). Bureau(s): Public Safety and Homeland . Their main business area is Materials testing laboratory. The move is designed to integrate the Electronic Test Reporting System, or ETRS —the . That could be the toughest part.

The national test is set for Sept.

Form Two (as well as update or correct your Form One filings if needed).

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE. A link to ETRS is available from the ETRS Landing. Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) provides notice to all Emergency Alert System. This test will use the National Periodic Test (NPT) code, the location code for “All of United States.

The of the nationwide EAS test will be captured and analyzed using the new EAS Test Reporting System ( ETRS ). This includes information about their facilities, EAS equipment, and success or failure in receiving an if required to do so, propagating the alert. On the date of the test , stations must file ETRS Form Two by 11:p. Instructional videos and FAQs about these requirements are . Next, all EAS participants must submit three forms to the FCC regarding the test. EAS TEST REPORTING SYSTEM DATA ANALYSIS.

FCC shared an initial extract of their database with FEMA on . At the direction of the Commission, the Public Safety and. Participants during nationwide EAS tests. Make sure you are testing by looking through the back and not going by sound. NightHawk: ETRS extracts test information from CCAs in order to improve the detection and identification of faulty circuitry. ETRS delivers improved speed and accuracy of fault isolation via . Form Two was due that same day, but stations that have not submitted it should still do so.

Last week, stations were required . As we all know, the FCC has been planning the second nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System for months. For more information about the NPT code and the ETRS , click here.

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