Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Slough & eton

Enquiries should be sent for the attention of Mrs . Geography Trip to British Airways Jan 15. The school day begins with staff briefing for all staff at 8. Since the Ofsted report, the school has been described as outstanding. How does the Vivo points system work?

They are immensely proud of their multicultural community and are respectful and courteous .

Full school uniform should be worn each day including to and from school as well dressed pupils are good ambassadors for the School.

Welcome to the Physical Education Department. This is the start of the most important years of secondary education. The two GCSE years can form the foundations for the direction of . Friday 2nd September – School closed to pupils and . Over 5adults join our courses each year. Restaurant and Catering Facilities.

Business and Enterprise College. Previous inspection: Not previously inspected. Slough and Eton Adult and Community Learning Centre is on Slough and Eton school site. WELCOME TO THE MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.

The success of school shows and high pupil involvement has raised the profile of the subject. These include trips abroad and residential trips to . Open days and tours of the School. If you have not come across the term before, “ alumni” is just another name for former students! The curriculum design offers an excellent experience to all pupils. It elected one Member of Parliament (MP) by the first-past-the-post voting system.

Special Education Needs Department. With growing interest in climate change, migration, environmental . Miss Dale (Head of Sport) -Charli. Pupil premium and performance tables.

Creche places available during the day for parents who enrol on an adult course at the centre.

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