Thursday, 16 October 2014

Types of ammeter and voltmeter

Types of Ammeters , Voltmeters Electrical Instruments. Ammeter means Ampere-meter which measures ampere value. For DC voltmeters PMMC instruments are use MI instrument can measure both AC and DC voltages, electrodynamometer type , thermal instrument can measure DC and AC voltages as well.

Induction meters are not used because of their high cost, inaccuracy in measurement. Rectifier type voltmeter , electrostatic type and .

This type of meter movement is extremely common for both ammeters and other meters derived from them, such as voltmeters and ohmmeters.

Although their use has become less common in recent decades, this type of basic movement was once the standard indicator mechanism for any analogue .

A device called an ammeter is used to measure current. To measure the current flowing. BY SAGAR PARTE ROLLNO :- TE ETRX. The meter uses for measuring the current is known as the ammeter.

The current is the flow of electrons whose unit is ampere. Hence the instrument which measures the flows of current in ampere is known as ampere meter or ammeter. DC, rectifier-based AC, and true rms devices are explained in detail. Digital meters are introduce as are types of voltmeters and ammeters operating on different techniques of analog-to- digital signal converters. A list of some manufacturers of electronic voltmeters , . These are suited for measurements in communication circuits.

The same moving coil can be used as an ammeter or voltmeter with an interchange of above arrangement. Without going into the many nuances of each subclass of both, the analog ammeter requires that the circuit or circuit leg in. I will explain about attraction type ,. Before We introduce you about thermocouple type instrument in detail. Moving iron instruments are of two types. We should first know the meaning of term thermocouple.

Basically thermocouple consists of two different metals which are placed in contact with each other as shown in the diagram. Thermocouple First part is called the heater element because when . Theses instruments are cheap and accurate. The coil is divided into two halves, connected in series with the moving coil.

The two halves of the coil are . This means avoiding the use of permanent magnets.

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