Monday, 13 October 2014

Charge transfer efficiency

There are three basic types of loss which degrade CTE: fixed loss, proportional loss, and nonlinear loss. Examples are given of each type of loss and tech- niques for measurement of all three types of loss are . This approach depends upon efficient intergate transfer of individual electrons. Measurements are presented here of the charge transfer efficiency of . The charge transfer efficiency (CTE) of the UVIS detector has inevitably been declining over time as on-orbit radiation damage creates charge traps in the CCDs.

A set of formulae has been developed to correct aperture photometry for CTE loss with dependencies on the X‐ and Y‐positions, the .

An Analysis of Charge Transfer Efficiency Noise on.

Proton-Damaged CCDs for the Hubble Space Telescope. Johnsona and Augustyn Waczynskia and Elizabeth Polidana and. Paul Marshallb and Robert Reedc. Single-source precursor syntheses have been devised for the preparation of structurally similar graphitic carbon dots (CDs), with (g-N-CD) and without (g-CD) core nitrogen doping for artificial photosynthesis.

An order of magnitude improvement has been realized in the rate of solar (AMG) H2 . Fairchild imaging sensors CCDs degrade similarly at all . CCDs) and compare the charge transfer efficiency (CTE) degra- dation using extended pixel edge response, first pixel response, and 55Fe X-ray measurements. Enhancing Light Absorption and Charge Transfer Efficiency in Carbon Dots Through Graphitization and Core Nitrogen Doping. A conductometric gas-sensing platform with temperature control has been adopted to probe temperature-dependent phenomena in conducting polymers.

This letter describes our recent observation of thermal effects on the intermolecular charge transfer efficiency of conducting polyaniline at both ends of the charge . Martindale BCM(1), Hutton GAM(1), Caputo CA(1)(2), Prantl S(3), Godin R(3), Durrant . Affiliation: AA(Space Telescope Science Institute), AB(Space Telescope Science Institute), AC(Space Telescope Science Institute). This paper describes the Charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE) measurements made using an e2v technologies p-channel CCD2irradiated using protons to the MeV equivalent fluence of 1. Enhancement of Two-Photon Absorption Parallels Intramolecular Charge - Transfer Efficiency in Quadrupolar versus Dipolar Cationic Chromophores. C two distinct excited singlet states were detected in polar solvents, where an intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) state is efficiently produced.

Wang Yu-Sa (王于仨) , Yang Yan-Ji (杨彦佶) , Chen Yong (陈勇) , Liu Xiao-Yan (刘晓艳) , Cui Wei-Wei (崔苇苇) , Xu Yu-Peng (徐玉朋) , Li Cheng- Kui (李承奎) , Li Mao-Shun (李茂顺) , Han Da-Wei (韩大炜) , Chen Tian-Xiang . CCD Bias Subtraction and Amplifier Non-Linearity. Pixel-Based CTI Corrections for the STIS CCD. Mitigation of CTE Loss for Long-Slit Spectroscopy.

Ultraviolet Light and the STIS CCD.

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