Thursday, 11 September 2014

What is a great auk

It was the only modern species in the genus Pinguinus. It is unrelated to the birds now known as penguins, which were discovered later and so named by sailors because of their physical resemblance to the great . An international team of scientists has met to discuss reintroducing the flightless marine birds onto the Farne islands off the north-east coast of England. People hunted it for meat and feathers.

It grew rare, because it was too easy to kill, and the ones left could not breed fast enough to make up for the lost ones.

It lived mostly in the water, .

For centuries, the penguin-like birds were popular as meat and bait.

Their fat, eggs, and feathers were sold as . Now, a team of scientists is hoping to bring them back. A prehistoric form of great auk , Pinguinus alfrednewwni, is recorded from the Pliocene ( to million years ago) and other Pliocene flightless diving birds had wings even more penguin-like than those of the great auks. The oldest great auk remains, 70years ol were found at Gibraltar. Our Seabird Policy Officer, Rory Crawfor is back with another seabird saga. It is thought that the species numbered many millions before man began to hunt it in earnest, but it is . It is probably true to say that the species . The great auk was generally an excellent swimmer, using . May is the month for remembering the greatness of the great auk and why its tale of extinction is one we should not forget.

The flightless great auk , Pinguinus impennis, is one of the most powerful symbols of the damage humans can cause. The species was driven extinct in the 19th century as a . Click here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria. Justification of Red List category. Population size: Population trend: Country endemic: No.

An unusual weekend on the island of Papay - home to our North Hill reserve - marked 2years since one of the last great auks in the UK was killed there. Great Auk , Pinguinus impennis. All auks are expert divers which swim underwater using their wings, but the great auk had flipperlike wings, too short for flight.

A large extinct auk, Pinguinus impennis. They were the last known surviving auks in the world. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

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