Friday, 22 August 2014

How do leds emit light

A fraction of the blue light undergoes the Stokes shift being transformed from shorter wavelengths to longer. Depending on the color of the original LE phosphors of different colors can be employed. If several phosphor layers of distinct colors are applie the emitted spectrum is . Move over bulbs: there are better ways to make light now!

There are those compact fluorescent lamps, for example—the ones that save you energy and money.

But, even better, there are LEDs ( light - emitting diodes) that are just as bright as bulbs, last virtually forever, .

Light emitting diodes, commonly called LEDs , are real unsung heroes in the electronics world.

They do dozens of different jobs and are found in all kinds of devices. Among other things, they form numbers on digital clocks, transmit information from remote controls, light up watches and tell you when your appliances are . About Light Emitting Diodes and OLEDs. Semiconductor materials like germanium or silicon can be doped to create and control the number of electron holes. Electronics Tutorial about Light Emitting Diodes or LEDs with LED Types, Colours and the use of Series Resistors to limit current flow. Here you will find detailed information about how LEDs work and how are they able to generate constant and reliable lights without any maintenance.

They can also be bought in forms that will switch between two colours (bi-colour), three . The explanation is here: Direct and indirect band gaps Standard diodes are made of silicon, an indirect band gap material, thus no photon emission is possible. LED lights work using one of the simplest light emitting diodes. This guide will help you avoid any accidental LED barbecues!

LEDs are made of direct band gap semiconductors like GaAs. In fact, LED stands for “ Light Emitting Diode. It does what it says on the tin! The color of the emitted light depends on the semiconductor material and composition, with LEDs generally classified into three wavelengths:. Various types of LEDs , the corresponding wavelengths, materials used in their composition and some applications for the specific lamps will also be discussed.

Unlike the light bulb in which electrical energy first converts into heat energy, the electrical energy can also be directly converted into light energy. In Light Emitting Diodes ( LEDs ), electrical energy flowing through it is directly converted into light energy. Under specific conditions, solid state light sources can produce coherent light , as in laser diodes. Other devices such as liquid crystal devices .

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