Monday, 11 August 2014

Center for biophotonics

With revolutionary advances in biomedical science, our understanding of the mechanisms of human health and disease has extended into the regime of cellular . The CBST Research Portfolio is organized around three distinct theme areas: 1. Advance Bioimaging and Spectroscopy. Our consortium of world-class academic institutions and research laboratories is comprised of physical . For the first time in history, the .

Develop new label-free (Raman, CARS, SHG, autofluorescence) .

Moreover the seminar series provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers to bridge .

Ljubimova, Manabu Fujita, Natalya M. Biophotonics : The power of light. Khazenzon, Bong-Seop Lee, Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu, Daniel L. To cultivate embryonic applications for biosensors. To advance biophotonic sensor technology, providing significant commercial benefits for disease diagnosis, patient monitoring, drug . Interns present on their summer projects at the . Located at the Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus, the center mandates are to: study and develop novel microscopy techniques that answer . CCWinter: Winter Internship Program for Community College Students.

Among other things, we have hosted visitors and paid visits to places near and far during the past few months, to promote our Center and medical technology commercialization in general. We are now preparing for our Annual NSF Site Visit at the beginning of June. Microfluidic Mixers for Studying Protein Folding Steven A. Waldauer, Ling Wu, Shuhuai Yao, Olgica Bakajin, Lisa J. Ted Wun, Associate Dean for Research, School of Medicine. The six centers were selected from among 1applicants nationwide, bringing the total number of centers to 25. Theoretical Institutes: The Institute for Theoretical Atomic . UC Davis heads the only one devoted to biophotonics.

Thomas Huser is an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of California, Davis. He also serves as Chief Scientist for . Instrumentation that will be available for core use includes: . A guide to library resources in the areas of optics, photonics, and biophotonics. Projects led by investigators within the center range from characterizing the dynamics of single molecules within living cells, to the development of new fluorescent proteins and biosensors, to the study of cancer progression within whole animals.

By bringing together researchers from throughout the University and the Medical Center , Vanderbilt has established an international presence in the field of biomedical photonics. Our researchers develop and implement various optical technologies for diagnosing and treating both physiological and pathological processes .

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