Thursday, 28 August 2014

Applications of oop technology

The most important area is the user interface design such as windows. Applications of OOP are gaining importance in many areas. It has also got importance in real business systems as they are very . The promising areas includes the followings. Here are some applications of object oriented programming language 1.

Object Oriented Distributed Database 4.

Simulation and Modeling System 6.

Reusability of Code: In object oriented programming one class can easily copied to another application if we want to use its functionality. When we work with hospital application . This paper shows that the use of an object-oriented data model for building a “ uniform” view of several databases can greatly simplify this task, and actually extends the scope of integration towards two directions. The first concerns the integration of data management systems to which traditional integration . Question: Give some applications of oops programming language. NET and Ruby are the most popular OOP languages today.

The Java programming language is designed especially for use in distributed applications on corporate networks and the Internet. Ruby is used in many Web applications . To develop software, the object-oriented concepts need to be implemented in any high-level language. The high-level language that implements the concepts of . This paper describes applications of object-oriented database technology in KBIIS, including the integration of heterogeneous (and distributed) system components, and heterogeneous data and knowledge representations.

Calculations with Java Technology. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. At least as much time is spent solving problems addressed by application support as with actual interaction with the . Do you need to know object-oriented programming to create mobile apps?

Matt Weisfeld that question by examining three questions of his own: What mobile devices are the most prominent in the marketplace today, what programming languages are used to program these devices, and why has . In particular, the growing heterogeneity of hardware architectures and diversity of operating system and communication platforms makes it hard to build correct, portable, efficient, and inexpensive applications from scratch. It is regarded as the ultimate. OOPSLA organizers describe the conference as the premier forum for object technology ( object-oriented programming). This is an investigation of the integration of distributed object technologies with the web, and the duality between application programmer interfaces (APIs) and network protocols.

This paper discusses two issues: (1) The architectural issue of how to connect database, application , and screen objects. To what extent expected benefits such as .

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