Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Headend equipment definition

Continue Reading About cable head-end. Digital TV, video-on-demand ( VOD), subscription VOD (SVOD), high-speed data, high- definition TV (HDTV) . Headend definition at Dictionary. In cable TV, the head end is where the cable company locates its satellite dish and TV antenna for receiving incoming programming.

We can also configure this switch to maintain the Data.

Each port is having its dedicated LED showing the status of data.

It is also capable for hard reset.

A CMTS provides many of the same functions provided by the . Some master headends also house telephony equipment for providing telecommunications services to the community. A variety of equipment is used at the headend , including antennas and satellite dishes to receive signals, preamplifiers, frequency converters, demodulators and modulators, processors, and . To meet customer demand for new capabilities and higher quality, service providers need state-of-the-art video head-end solutions. TV control centre, at which terrestrial and satellite signals are receive monitored and injected into the cable network.

Video shows what headend means. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary . CMTS architecture which follows three process in it.

It depends upon what your headend system requires. But last week, Time Warner invited me into its head-end facility to show me just how complex it is to get cable and high- def channels and on-demand movies and voice-over Internet . Depending on the implementation, there may also be higher . This relation is from the dB power definition. The VOD platform may sometimes be located with, and considered part of, the IPTV headend.

Interactive portal: allows the user to navigate within the different IPTV services, such as the VOD catalogue. Delivery network: the packet switched network that carries IP packets (unicast and multicast). This headend comes ready to replace your analog headend with high-quality DIRECTV programming. Roll in this pre-assemble pre-configured rack, set the channels on the built-in DIRECTV receivers and youre ready to go!

This is an approved solution that uses your existing headend wiring and any cable-ready TV. Doors and cover plates marked “Danger”. Marking of door and cover plate guarding High Voltage Equipment.

Definitions abbreviations and acronyms.

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